Recycling Paper

Recycle paper is the process of processing waste paper into new raw materials for making new paper. The paper recycling process purposes to reduce the quantity of paper waste going into landfills, saving natural resources and reducing pressure on the environment.

Here are the objectives of the recycling paper class:
  • Introduced participants to the importance of paper recycling to protect the environment and reduce waste. 
  • Understanding of the recycling cycle.
  • Understand the value of used materials, so it can be reused in a creative and useful way. 


Introduce the tools and materials.

Participants know the tools and materials needed to make paper recycling.

Making paper recycling

Participants make paper recycling from the beginning of the cutting process until drying.

Coloring and dry seeds/flowers

Participants learned that paper recycling can be colored and decorated with dried flowers and plant seeds.

Organize the paper into a journal

Participants learned about the benefits of paper recycling, one of which is for journal books.